Essential Brushes/Choosing Brushes
Having the right makeup wont get you anywhere if you don't have the right brushes/sponges to apply it. Application is key. Use this post as a guide for getting everything you need...
- A soft medium round brush
- Natural Fiber
- Other uses: Applying Powder
or Bronzer
- Various Sizes
- Good for applying Highlighter
- Other uses: Brushing away
loose eyeshadow
- Synthetic Brush
- Other uses: Applying Cream
- Firm, Angled Brush
- Fill in with brow powder
- Other Uses: Eyeliner/Lip
liner or Eyeshadow liner
- Big, soft natural fiber brush.
- Other uses: Bronzer
- Round Tapered (can be also flat)
- Other Uses: Blending
- Narrow, Synthetic brush, Tapered
- Other Uses: Brow
Bone Highlight or Inner Corner Highlight
Brow Comb:
- Removes clumps of mascara
- A Spoolie works the same way
- Soft Brush (can have angled
- Other Uses: Bronzer,
Blush, Powder
Eye/Lip Liner:
- Narrow
- Other uses: Gel
liner, Eyeshadow as liner
Firstly, by no means think that you have to buy a ton load of brushes at once because I know how overwhelming it can be looking at all the shapes, sizes and colours of these brushes. These brushes you buy will last you forever if you take good care of them - can be expensive.
Building your brushes one step at a time can take a while till you're satisfied with your collection.
Bare in mind that a lot of brushes can have another job in applying something for example a blush brush can also be good for powder, and even bronzer! Just think about what you're buying and how you can use it for other things too.
Cleaning Your Brushes
Product used:
(You should wash your brushes once a week!)
Different Ways of Cleaning Brushes:
- Using a Brush Cleaning Glove which offers different textures to clean your brush depending on the size and how firm it is. This offers more of an accurate wash. There are many gloves out there specialised for brushes, from many brands, just look for positive reviews.
- Using Shampoo or Mild Soap is a cheaper alternative since you already have shampoo in your house, so just put a pea sized amount (again depending on the size of the brush) and swirl the brush in your hand under the gently running tap.
- On the spot Cleaning. This is good if you don't have time to wash your brushes with water and soap, this will just vaguely clean the tip of it to make application smoother. Also perfect for eye brushes if you decide to use a different tone of colour. However don't always rely on this since it doesn't clean brushes thoroughly.
Just use one pump, depending on the size of the brush, on a cotton pad. Gently swirl your brush on the pad until the brush is clean.
3 Essential Eye Brushes
Brushes Mentioned:
What I use them for..
Detailer Brush - I love this brush for applying highlighter in the inner corners of your eyes or for your brow bone since its flat and small for precision. It can also be used for concealer.
Blending Brush - Well as the name says, blending. I use this brush for blending the shade 'Primal' from the Urban Decay Naked 2 Basics pallete in my crease, which really accentuates blue eyes.
Shading Brush - This brush is smaller than a blending brush. It's really good for blending in that highlighter in more or for a more precise eyeshadow look so it doesn't give such a smokey effect which a blending brush would give.
What's your all time favourite makeup brush?